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Why Business Cards Still Work in the Digital Age – What to Know

The advent of technology has greatly impacted the way we live our lives. Whether on a personal and business level, these technologies have provided us with digital conveniences. They have significantly transformed how we get and consume information, how we select from a wide variety of options and settle for a particular lifestyle, and how we communicate, interact, and socialize with the rest of the world.

Despite these technological advances and digital influence, there’s something missing in the average business encounter—a personal connection. It’s easy to disregard the importance of a personal connection when you get plenty of it throughout the day with your family, friends, and coworkers. Personal interaction is crucial in families. The same is true in business, where most professionals still opt for face-to-face contact. To take that personal touch to the next level, however, bring business cards into the picture.

A brief history of business cards

If there’s one thing great about business cards, that is the fact that they are alive and well. The humble 85 x 55 mm piece of stock paper continues to thrive in the world of business and marketing, remaining relevant despite the rise of digital marketing and online business. Why is this so?

Before we delve into the reason that business cards remain a vital part of business, let’s dip into some history. Did you know that business cards have been utilized since time immemorial? You’d be surprised by the fascinating evolution of business cards. The truth is that business cards have been around since 15th century China. Called as Meishi (visiting cards), they were used to “announce a meeting with another individual.” 

Vital marketing and branding tools

There’s no denying that professionals continue to exchange business cards after a couple of hundred years later. The idea may seem so unlikely, given the digital alternatives readily available out there. Yet, business cards are still useful as essential marketing and branding tools because of the following reasons:

  • They make you look professional and prepared.
  • They effectively create in-person networking.
  • They spur direct marketing opportunities.
  • They don’t have any downtime.

The impact of business cards

Let’s take a look at some facts and figures showing the impact of business cards in the digital age. According to a survey, sales increase by 2.5 per cent for every 2000 cards that get passed around. If your business is doing $100,000 annually, a 2.5 per cent increase means you’ll be adding $2,500 to your income. That’s a considerable amount of return, considering that you’re only spending more or less a hundred dollars to get the cards printed.

Relevance of business cards in the digital age

Now, let’s further expound as to why business cards work and how they continue to thrive and survive in the digital age. Quoting an article published in Harvard Business Review, “Our bodily sensations help determine the decisions we make.” This subconsciously influences our responses to products, people, and situations. Since business cards are tangible, they appeal to the sense of touch of potential clients, partners, or investors. Hence, they remain effective tools in fostering engagement, igniting conversations, and building connections.

Final words

At this point, it still makes sense for you as a business professional to print business cards and hand them over to many stakeholders—co-employees, suppliers, third-party vendors, and clients or customers. Business cards are indeed effective marketing tools that can help you take your professional and business game to the next level. Give your business cards the attention they’re due today!

If you’re looking for a business card printing service in London, get in touch with Print Pal London today! We’re happy to help.