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Do Your Really Need A Business Card From A Printer In London?

Printer In London

In this digital age where every ounce of information about you can be found in just a few clicks, do you still need to hold business cards? And, even if you do, how much notice do people take of what your business cards from a printer in London look like? Fortunately, the answer to both questions is the same; yes.

Whether you are a business looking for customers or clients, or you are looking for the next step in your career, a business card from printers London based, is still an essential tool in your marketing arsenal. Business cards are vital for numerous reasons. Firstly, they are pocket sized, giving someone your card is not going to be a burden to you or them, unlike the results of leaflet printing UK. You simply take it out of your pocket, or holder and, after briefly glancing at it, they put it into theirs. They may not look at it again for days, even weeks, but when they need the services you provide, they will remember they have your card. Secondly, on that small pocket sized space created by printers in London, you can place all your relevant details. This can include name, address email, website, social media, landline and mobile details. If someone asks you for your details, you don’t need to hunt through your phone book or contacts list to find them, nor do you need to hunt for a pen, or worry about the other person not being able to read your writing. And that brings us neatly onto the third reason to hold a business card; it cuts down on people’s opportunities to not take your details. Swapping details can be tedious and refusal often offends, but swapping cards is simple and rarely ends with the card in the bin when the pocket is just as easy a place to put it.

It is not enough however, to simply have a business card. It must be designed by the printing services to be fit for purpose to convey the right message. It needs to be readable, both in terms of the font you use, the colour contrast between the writing and the background and the quality of the printing from your printer in London. It should be on good quality paper so that it doesn’t bend, tear or disintegrate too easily. The design of the card is also important. It should fit with your brand image if you are a business. If you are an individual looking for work, it should speak volumes about your approach to work, and even life in general. That sounds like a lot to ask from a small business card, but it can be achieved. The key is to take a minimalist approach and put quality over quantity. Simple things like not adding images, unless they are relevant, and only adding appropriate information go a long way to achieving this. For example, if you are a vet, then a picture of an animal is relevant; it isn’t quite as appropriate if you are a butcher however. Similarly, if your Facebook page is not related to your work or business, leave it off your business card.

Go to your printer in London with a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve with your very important business card. If you can find a printer London based that supports the design and artwork of your card, then even better as they will help stop mistakes before they happen.