Business cards are one of the earliest forms of print media. They are a piece of card stock with a printed image on one side and contact information on the back. It’s designed for quick exchange of information and holding onto as a reference. It’s also a great way to leave a lasting impression on your company.
It’s estimated that more than 1.2 trillion business cards are handed out each year, making it the most widely distributed form of media.
Business cards are easy to carry around. You don’t think twice about carrying that business card you got from a potential business partner or a colleague. It’s in your pocket, wallet, or purse, just waiting for the opportunity to be handed to the next person you meet.
Business cards are often kept for future reference. And it’s said that people who receive business cards tend to be more open to future communication than those who don’t.
Of course, in this day and age, it’s natural to wonder whether business cards are still relevant or not. Let’s take a closer look and find out. Here’s what you need to know:
Provides a Personal Touch
Business cards are small, about the size of a credit card, but just a bit thicker. It’s easy to put them in a wallet or a purse and forget about them.
Business cards can be more personal than a social media profile, website, or even a resume. Business cards are designed to be carried, so you are more likely to keep them in your wallet or on your desk. These are places where you are likely to hold personal items.
Gives a Strong Impression
Business cards also leave a strong impression. For one thing, they give you a sense of professionalism, which is good for your business.
For another, they are designed to leave a lasting impression. You can’t give a business card and just walk away. So when you give someone a business card, they are likely to remember it.
That means you can use this to your advantage. If you are trying to market your business and looking to leave a lasting impression, business cards are an excellent way to do that.
Professional, But Approachable
Unlike your website, business cards are put out in the open, making them more accessible and approachable. You can leave them in familiar places to the people you are trying to reach but not readily obvious.
This makes business cards a great way to get in touch with important people in your industry at a time when you know they will be more receptive to your message.
Showcases Credibility
Once you meet someone and exchange business cards, you are more likely to trust the person. You haven’t just Googled them or looked them up on LinkedIn, but you’re carrying their business card around with you. It’s a direct connection to their business and a way for them to reach out to you.
Allows for Emotional Connections
There is also a lot of emotion that goes into giving a business card to someone. When you hand someone your business card, you trust them to represent you. That’s a big deal.
It takes a lot of confidence and courage to hand someone your business card. It’s an act of faith in that person and in the relationship you are establishing with them. So when you give someone your business card, you open up to them emotionally.
So, are business cards still relevant today? The short answer is yes. Sharing your contact information is essential, but the back of your business card is the only place where you can tell everyone who you are, what you do, and why they should get in touch with you. It’s good to use your business card to tell your story.
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