As the holiday season has just ended, you may be thinking about all the fun that you had this past month or two away from your business and responsibilities. Nevertheless, if you’re smart enough to think far ahead, you’ll realize that now is also the perfect time to prepare for the next holiday.
If you’re a restaurant owner, then you’ll probably notice that there’s an abundance of different ways to prepare your establishment for the holidays. From brand new recipes to promos, you’ll never run out of different ways to prepare your restaurant for the holidays, even if November is still a long time away. Out of all the various ways you can start preparing for the holidays, there’s one particular aspect of your restaurant’s operations that are definitely worth spending some time on: its print marketing strategy.
Although the start of the 2020 holiday season is quite far from now, there’s no denying that working on your print marketing as early as now will give your restaurant the head start to create high-quality content. When you want to start planning your business’s print marketing strategy, consider outfitting it with the following ideas:
1. Special holiday menus
Aside from the recipes that you’ll be making for the 2020 holiday season, another important piece of marketing that you can start preparing for right away is the menu that all your options will be featured on. With all this time to start working on your restaurant’s holiday menu, you can pick out the most special components to feature, such as:
- Full-colour images that can make any customer’s mouth water at the mere sight of each dish on the menu
- Great bits and pieces of captivating copy
- High-quality paper that can make any customer feel special
2. Targeted and special postcards
It is said that food is the best way to anyone’s heart. A well-designed, intricately-planned, and heartfelt planner, however, undoubtedly comes as a close second. Direct-mail postcards are a great print marketing idea that can keep your restaurant in the minds of your customers until the holiday season begins!
3. Gift cards
Speaking of cards, another piece of print marketing that can serve your restaurant well is a postcard that won’t only keep your business in a customer’s mind, but will also give them even more reason to dine in during the holiday season! Providing your customers with a piece of print marketing that has both sentimental and financial value is a gift that gives the giver and receiver something special— in your case, the gift is increased profit!
4. Flyers
With thousands of other restaurants in your area expected to give their own flyers during the holiday season, it’s always a good idea to work on your flyer design as soon as possible. Taking the time to figure out what works and what doesn’t will leave you with enough room to hit the holiday season with a head start and the best flyers that will bring hungry customers right to your doorstep!
It’s never “too early” when it comes to preparing your restaurant for the holiday season, especially when it comes to your print marketing strategy! If you’re a restaurant owner in the London area and need expert printers for your marketing materials, look no further because the city’s top experts at Print Pal London are more than ready to help!