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4 Print Ad Ideas to Help Small Businesses Grow – What to Know

For small businesses, print marketing allows its brand to reach a broader audience. It will allow their current customers to be aware of what they’re up to, while still attracting new customers to join. 

Imagine reading about a flagship headset online. You won’t ever know what it will feel or sound like until you use it physically. The same can be applied with printed ads. The tangibility of the printed advertisement has a more profound effect on the readers. It moves them more to take action and interact with your brand compared to digital ads. 

That said, here are four examples of print ads that you can employ in your next marketing campaign to help your business grow:

1. Business Cards

Business cards are one of the more overlooked forms of marketing. Not only does it help grow your business, but it builds on your brand as well. Business cards can be kept by employees and handed out during business meetings. The best thing about these types of cards is that people who receive them will keep them safely—in their wallets or other storage places—for future reference. In other words, business cards will turn your entire workforce into marketers, spreading your brand and business to anyone who receives them.

2. Flyers

When running any promotional event, flyers are excellent marketing materials to distribute to anyone visiting the venue. Needless to say, you’ll have to figure out who to hand them out to in the first place. Then, all you have to do is give the flyer to the attendees and hand them out appropriately. That way, you are addressing those who have the highest potential to interact with your business. As for what you should be putting into the flyer, it doesn’t have to be anything specific. All you need to do is making the readers aware of who you are and what you have in store for them.

3. Stickers

Have you noticed how often stickers are used during political elections? That’s right, although usually underestimated by many, stickers carry many potentials. Just look at how Apple or other brands include stickers in products customers purchase. It allows customers to stick these stickers on to all kinds of things, effectively turning them into a brand ambassador. If you’ve got an excellent sticker design, customers will do the same for you. And, the best thing about stickers is that they’re inexpensive to produce.

4. Brochures

If you’re looking for the most traditional print ad method, then opt for brochures. They are great at showcasing what you’re selling along with information to help customers understand what exactly the product or service does. In doing so, you don’t want to cram your brochures full of information, as that will deter your customers from doing any actual reading. 

Instead, pair brochures with product pages on your website that contains more details on what you offer. This way, you can compel your customers to visit your website, which increases traffic to your online pages. Also, because of the physical nature of brochures, customers are more likely to refer to these pamphlets when wanting to know more about your products.

With the help of print ads, you’ll soon experience their real ability and how effective they are to getting more customers to engage with you. This, in turn, increases the chances of them making a purchase.

If you are looking for a professional printing service in London to help you print business ads, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.